Working off your strengths

March 19, 2012

We are successfully back from our trip to Kauai with our kids and it was a great success!  Few bumps from American Airlines, but I’ll have to share that in a future post…great story you’d think I made it happen just for this site {wink}.  I have a whole bunch of ideas from interviewing stewardesses, [...]

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Flying vs driving?

March 16, 2012

Trying to evaluate whether to fly or drive on your next trip?  I am really excited to bring this next resource: BeFrugal.com and their  Fly or drive calculator to help you out.  I love that it compares the cost of your time as well as money. When we travel with little kids, this question always [...]

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An easier way to tote water

March 14, 2012

It’s What’s out there Wednesday!  Today’s product highlight is the very cool “anti-bottle” from Vapur. Neat features about this product:   –BPA free –folds flat and when full, stands up straight –sip top that is easier for little hands –small clip on the side to attach the bottle to a backpack, or belt loop –lightweight [...]

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Inspirational Quotes

March 12, 2012

As I have been getting ready for our trip to Kauai and writing this post early, today’s post is all about having optimism.  Sometimes, things don’t go according to plan!  As parents, it is our job to put on a happy face, remember why we are doing this, and make those happy memories with our [...]

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Finding advice, reviews, kids activities, and more from fellow travelers

March 9, 2012

Today’s online highlight is one I love and use quite often.  TripAdvisor is filled with millions of reviews and advice from tourists, locals, and travel experts.  If you haven’t been on this site, definitely do so!  It is a fabulous resource.   Things I really like: –you can subscribe to posts about a certain location [...]

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Wipe-off Activity Books

March 7, 2012

When you take something on a trip, it is important to have multiple ways to play with that toy, so as to save space.  In keeping with this theme, I’m still loving all the uses for dry-erase crayons.  This week’s What’s out there Wednesday highlight is Wipe-off Activity Books by Trend.  Trend has been making [...]

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Your worst experiences…Part 2

March 5, 2012

Ready to hear more of those worst experiences while traveling with kids? I have received several stories as a follow up to “She told me I should throw my baby off the plane” post last week.   By reading these different experiences, it helps us remember that sometimes during vacation, despite our best efforts, our kids [...]

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Mr. Printables

March 2, 2012

Today’s Friday online highlight is Mr. Printables, an amazing website filled with all kinds of free printables for families.  Keeping road trips and air travel in mind, there are some great ideas to use!  Check out these links and my ideas to use them for traveling: Mazes: Print the ones you like for a tailored [...]

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Creative Traveling play with Wikki Stix

February 29, 2012

Traveling with young kids requires imaginative toys and activities for them to play with.  Yes, the DVD is an easy source for entertainment, but of course we want to find that a wonderful engaging activity they will love!  There are many cool toys that provide that fabulous entertainment while traveling.  Today’s What’s out there Wednesday‘s [...]

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“She told me I should throw my baby off the plane…”

February 27, 2012

What has been one of your worst experiences traveling with your young kids?  Traveling always comes with unexpected events–car sickness, long layovers, rude people, bags left or lost, hours backed up traffic, earaches.  We’ve all been there! Share your story so we can all have a little laugh now, and in the future, remember that [...]

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Emergency Assistance on the Road

February 24, 2012

Trouble seems to happen when you least expect it.   Having an emergency number to call for help can make the difference when you have little children who can’t wait too long.  Some drivers have insurance to help if you have a flat tire, or run out of gas.  However, if you are looking for [...]

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“Animal Hands”

February 22, 2012

I love searching around for cool new products for families to use on the go!  This What’s out there Wednesday’s highlight is “Animal Hands.” What a cool item!  A temporary tattoo for instant puppet play.  Only requires a small amount of water for application.  While traveling, having items like this available to pull out as [...]

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“Not the Carseat Again!”–The Importance of Transitions

February 20, 2012

Young children naturally need transitions from one activity to another, especially when they don’t want to either leave the activity they are a part of, or don’t want to participate in the new activity.  For example, a 2 year old will not be happily eating dinner and then willingly be plopped straight into bed.  Every [...]

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TSA Guidelines for traveling with young kids

February 17, 2012

A parent has so many questions when traveling with young kids through an airport.  Homeland security has a website that helps, “Traveling with Kids.”  It focuses on travel tips, questions on liquids, and the screening process. They also have specific tips for parents with special needs children.   Particular areas of interest from TSA: Guidelines [...]

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Dry-erase boards with crayons

February 15, 2012

Hate dry-erase markers?  This post is for you… It’s “What’s out there Wednesday” where we discuss a cool item for young children and traveling.  This week’s highlight is the Duel-sided Dry-Erase board from Crayola.  Recommended for preschoolers, but toddlers could use it with a little supervision.  I found it at my local Walmart today in [...]

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