Hate dry-erase markers? This post is for you…
It’s “What’s out there Wednesday” where we discuss a cool item for young children and traveling. This week’s highlight is the Duel-sided Dry-Erase board from Crayola. Recommended for preschoolers, but toddlers could use it with a little supervision. I found it at my local Walmart today in the school supplies section, but you can also find it on this site’s store.
I know kids love dry-erase markers, but I have always hated them with a passion. Ever since my oldest daughter drew with some and ruined her favorite skirt {dang-it…I liked it too!} This product is cool because it has two sides, and with the special crayons, you don’t have to worry about caps or markers drying out. In addition, the crayons wash clean from hands and clothes.
Some tips for use:
1. Have baby wipes. My daughter’s hands had little crayon rubbings on them. After she was finished, it completely cleaned off with the wipe.
2. Teach your child to wipe off one side with the enclosed fabric before flipping the board over. I found this helped with the hand mess.
3. When finished, it’s easy for your child to wipe the crayon off the board with the fabric. To teach this concept and demonstrate how I wanted it done, I made it a game to see if she could do it all by herself. I became “so surprised” when she did it
4. Be careful, the crayons are waxy so they will melt in a hot car.
My daughter loved it and played with it for quite a while. Definitely worth it for some nice independent play.
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