Emergency Assistance on the Road

by Laura on February 24, 2012

Trouble seems to happen when you least expect it.   Having an emergency number to call for help can make the difference when you have little children who can’t wait too long.  Some drivers have insurance to help if you have a flat tire, or run out of gas.  However, if you are looking for a plan, check out these two different ones from AAA or Allstate:

With AAA, you pay for the plan upfront, and have emergency services included up to a certain amount if you have road trouble.  AAA also comes with a few other benefits with membership.


Their classic membership starts at $52 for one adult.


 If you only want to pay for a service when you need it, check out Allstate’s plan I saw on the web.


This roadside assistance program that has no annual fee, and you only pay if you use it.  It can help with gas, flats, jumpstarts, refueling, lockouts, and towing.  Open for everyone, whether you are a member or not.  Very handy if you get in a pickle :)

Allstate’s prices:

  • $75 for the first 10 miles of towing; $3 per additional mile
  • $50 for services other than towing


And no, I wasn’t paid to advertise these {dang-it}, I just think it is important to plan ahead and be prepared.  Safe traveling!

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